Getting Started With propane

If you love to code because it is a creative process, then you should give propane a try because it can be used to create music, art, animations, videos and much more. Also since it is based on the latest Processing you can access a vast range of libraries to make the difficult things easier.

Why propane?

You can dabble with the latest processing framework (in ruby) without even needing to install vanilla processing (and its embded jdk).

Additionally, you don’t have to declare types, voids, or understand the differences between floats and ints to get started, as you do in pure Processing.

Although there are some drawbacks to using the Ruby version Processing (slower start up time, and sometimes performance), having Ruby’s API available to translate your ideas into sketches more than makes up for them.


Setting propane is dead easy. The propane gem relies on jruby and arc_ball.gem, you don’t need rvm or rvm for this don’t let anyone persuade that you do.


Install wget which is also available as [cygwin][cygwin] package, openjdk (17+), and some version of ruby-2.5+ preferably jruby- If you encounter linkage problems it might be worth looking the AdoptOpenJDK distribution.


Unlike JRubyArt and ruby-processing it is not possible to run propane without a system install of jruby. It is highly recommended that you create a symbolic link to /usr/bin/jruby, it is the easiest way to ensure that jruby is on you PATH and you can then make sketches executable with #!/usr/bin/env jruby (and chmod +x). Further you will be able to run sketches from atom using the script plugin (without needing to start atom from the command-line to pick up environmental variables). See also [JRuby downloads][downloads] for latest releases.


jgem install propane # or `jruby -S gem`, use rvm at your own risk...

Install Samples

propane --install Samples

Install Sound library

propane --install Sound

Install Video library

propane --install video
# experimental, expected to work on Raspberry-Pi debian-linux and Windows

Running examples

To run a bunch of the samples as a demo:-

cd ~/propane_samples
rake # autoruns a bunch of files as a demo
cd ~/propane_samples/contributed # for example
rake # autoruns files in contributed folder
jruby jwishy.rb # run the JWishy sketch, using an installed jruby
cd ~/propane_samples/processing_app/topics/shaders
rake # autoruns shader sketches
jruby monjori.rb # run single shader sketch, since propane-1.0

Creating your own sketch

All we ask is that you obey the ruby filename convention (ie snakecase) and we can create a template sketch for you as follows:-

propane --create fred_sketch 200 200 # creates a propane sketch fred_sketch.rb (see below)
vim fred_sketch.rb
:!jruby % # from vim runs the sketch

other editors are available

# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'propane'

class FredSketch
  def setup
  sketch_title 'Fred Sketch'

  def draw


  def settings
  size 200, 200
  # smooth # here

Running examples

To run a bunch of the samples as a demo, assuming powershell or cygwin:-

cd ~/propane_samples
rake # autoruns a bunch of files as a demo
cd ~/propane_samples/contributed # for example
rake # autoruns files in contributed folder
jruby jwishy.rb # run the JWishy sketch, using an installed jruby
cd ~/propane_samples/processing_app/topics/shaders
rake # autoruns shader sketches
jruby monjori.rb # run single shader sketch, since propane-1.0

Creating your own sketch

All we ask is that you obey the ruby filename convention (ie snakecase) and we can create a template sketch for you as follows:-

propane --create fred_sketch 200 200 # creates a propane sketch fred_sketch.rb (see below)
vim fred_sketch.rb
:!jruby % # from vim runs the sketch

other editors are available

# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'propane'

class FredSketch
  def setup
  sketch_title 'Fred Sketch'

  def draw


  def settings
  size 200, 200
  # smooth # here

PS: propane -c fred also works with a default size 0

Read more about using the processing api here