The sole purpose of the Propane::Proxy module is to provide access to the Propane::App variables and methods similar to the access to Inner classes afforded by vanilla processing. To do this your class should include Propane::Proxy as below:-

class MyClass
  include Propane::Proxy
  # access to sketch methods and variables is similar to java Inner class

Now we know this is not kosher and as you get more comfortable with propane you may eschew this egregious hack, but initially at least you will find it highly convenient. There are plenty of examples included with the samples (because it so damn convenient). See frame_of_reference sketch and Plane and Cylinder classes

The hair shirted brigade might want to take a look at forwardable and make their classes extend Forwardable instead. There are some examples include with the samples see the revolute_joint pbox2d example with the Windmill and ParticleSystem classes for example.