Live coding with pry and vim

First you will need to jgem install pry

Easy use configuration in your ~/.bashrc (many linux distros) or ~/.profile

alias jpry="jruby -e \"require 'pry'; binding.pry\""

Then firing up pry with jruby is as simple as


The easiest way to start is to created a template sketch eg picrate -c fred 200 200

For live editing with vim (there is is an emacs alternative see pry wiki)

You should also create or edit ~/.pryrc to set the live editor

Pry.config.editor = 'vim'

Fire up the pry console then at pry prompt:-

load 'fred_sketch.rb'
fred =
edit FredSketch

Screen shot on edit from pry


Screen shot on :wq from vim


Or if you just wanted to edit the draw loop

edit -p FredSketch#draw

But there’s much more you can use the pry console for, like regular ruby you can look up methods constants etc:-

require 'picrate'
# => true
# => [:PATH,
# :TEXT,
# ...]
# => "processing.opengl.PGraphics3D"
# [:create_reader,
# :year,
# :java_method,
# :degrees,
# :blend_color,
# :show_variation_warning,
# :runSketch,
# :lerpColor,
# :shorten,
# :trim,
# :sqrt,
# :calcSketchPath,
# ...]
# Note snake case methods, also not all the methods will be useful in `PiCrate`