

Unlike vanilla processing, we do not distribute a java environment with our projects. It is the expectation that you will use the default openjdk11 suplied with RaspberryPI OS or Manjarao ARM on the RaspberryPI3B+ or RaspberryPI4.


With picrate you need to install jruby on your system (you do not need rvm or rbenv to do this since you call the jruby binary directly). On Manjaro ARM you can use pacman to do this.

Understanding A picrate Sketch

How you might write a picrate sketch, including the shebang which makes it easier to run the sketch using script in the atom editor, but assumes you have jruby available at /usr/bin/jruby or more likely via symbolic link (yet another reason not to use rvm or rbenv since they futz with your environment). However you will likely use geany or vim on your RaspberryPI (atom is not available).


#!/usr/bin/env jruby
# frozen_string_literal: false
require 'picrate'

class MyApp < Processing::App
  # load_library :my_library # picrate method
  # include_package 'org.package' # JRuby method
  def settings
    size 200, 200 # size 'mode' or fullscreen 'mode' goes here
    # pixel_density(2) # only for HiDpi screens
    # see https://processing.org/reference/pixelDensity_.html
    # smooth # useless unless you enter a figure 2, 3, 4 or 8
    # for default renderer default is 3 for P2D and P3D it is 2
    # see https://processing.org/reference/smooth_.html

  def setup
    sketch_title 'Regular PiCrate Sketch' # picrate method

  def draw
    # draw loop



You will see that under the hood the structure is like a jruby_art (and ruby-processing) wrapped bare sketch (the only real difference is there’s not the option of starting a sketch with MRI ruby).

# frozen_string_literal: false
require 'picrate'
module Processing
  # include_package 'org.package' # JRuby method
  class MyApp < App # App is a subclass of processing.core.PApplet

    # load_library :my_library # picrate method

    def settings
      size 200, 200 # size 'mode' go here


    def setup
      sketch_title 'Bare Sketch' # picrate method

    def draw
      # draw loop

# NB: If you use this explicit form need to use PiCrate::MyApp.new to run sketch

See more at picrate github pages