The Vec2D class is a direct replacement for processings PVector class (when used for 2D work, see Vec3D for 3D version).
a * b # where a is instance of Vec2D and b is a scalar
a + b # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a - b # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a / b # where a is instance of Vec2D and b is a scalar
a == b # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a.angle_between(b) # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a.copy # where a is instance of Vec2D returns a deep copy
a.cross(b) # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D returns float
a.dist(b) # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a.heading # where a is instance of Vec2D
a.lerp(b) # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a.lerp!(b) # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a.mag # where a is instance of Vec2D
a.normalize # where a is instance of Vec2D
a.normalize! # where a is instance of Vec2D
a.normalize!(b) # where both a and b are both instances of Vec2D
a.rotate(b) # where both a is an instance of Vec2D and b is scalar radians
a.rotate!(b) # where both a is an instance of Vec2D and b is scalar radians
a.set_mag(b) # where both a is instance of Vec2D and b is scalar
a.set_mag(b) &block # a conditional variant where &block evaluates to a boolean
a.to_a # returns an array [x, y] where a is instance of Vec2D
a.to_s # returns a string where a is instance of Vec2D
a.to_vertex(b) # where b is a instance of Render sends vector a to PApplet.vertex
a.x returns x as a float # where a is instance of Vec2D
a.x=b # sets the x value of Vec2D a to the float b
a.y # returns y as a float # where a is instance of Vec2D
a.y=b # sets the y value of Vec2D a to the float b
Vec2D.from_angle(a) # returns a new Vec2D object # where a is a float radians
Vec2D.random # returns a new random Vec2D object # with mag 1.0 # returns new instance where x, y are both zero., b) # where a and b are both float or numeric (NB: stored as float) # where vec has methods `:x` and `:y` that return float or numeric
Vec2D operations can normally be chained, which give us huge benefits over PVector, and thanks to syntatic sugar combinations of such operations read like math equations eg you want a Vec2D object c
that is the midpoint between two points a
and b
(represented by vectors) we have:-
c = (a + b) / 2
Or we can even use ruby inject
to sum
an array of Vec2D (useful in say flocking
average = array.inject(, &:+) # elegantly
average = array.reduce( { |c, d| c + d } # expressively
Example Usages: Examples
Note: Vec2D cross product returns float cf PVector which always returns a vector because it is really a 3D vector. Also normalize on zero vector returns a zero vector for simplicities sake (like PVector)