• JRubyArt allows you to code processing sketches in regular ruby (it supersedes ruby-processing for processing-3.0+).

  • Vanilla processing is essentially Java with an antlr[1] pre-processor to make writing code simpler (in the processing ide), although it is debatable whether whether color should have ever been a type!!!. [1]: ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.

  • JRubyArt is able to emulate the simplicity of vanilla processing, by using JRuby[2] to load regular processing jars into a ruby runtime environment. [2]: JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the Java Virtual Machine

  • You can write JRubyArt code in any editor that supports ruby syntax, however the atom editor[3] has a plugin that allows you to run / watch processing sketches without leaving the editor. [3]: A hackable text editor for the 21st Century
  • Vim[4] and [4]: Vim is a highly configurable text editor for efficiently creating and changing any kind of text and Emacs[5] can also run sketches without leaving the editor [5]: The features of GNU Emacs include. Content-aware editing modes, including syntax coloring, for many file types. Complete built-in documentation in addition both can be used to edit live JRubyArt code live from pry[6]. [6]: Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby. It is written from scratch to provide a number of advanced features